Adams Care Website What Happens When You Don’t Regularly Clean Your HVAC System
Oct 15, 2019

What Happens When You Don’t Regularly Clean Your HVAC System

Not many homeowners know this, but your HVAC system is heavily dependent on the air filter in the air return duct. A filter protects the system from dust and other particles that might otherwise reach and compromise the system. 

The problem is that, since many homeowners don’t even know the presence of these filters, most of them don’t replace or wash them as often as they should. It leads to some serious furnace problems that could result in the entire system’s demise.

Read on to learn what happens when your furnace air filter doesn’t receive the service or maintenance it needs.

Why HVAC Air Filters Need Cleaning

Your furnace’s air filter is little more than a fiber mesh, tightly woven enough to trap debris but loose enough to allow air to flow through it.

There is no way for the filter to get rid of the debris it collects, which means that when it is not cleaned or replaced every few months it will get too jammed for air to flow through it. That’s when the furnace starts to have issues.

Once you pay no attention to it, you might find yourself in a world of trouble such as the following:



A clogged air filter allows heat to get stuck when operating in the furnace. A portion called the “limit switch” triggers and shuts down the system to protect it as the furnace temperature rises to unsafe levels. Nevertheless, this does not fix the underlying cause of excessive heat.

The stress will eventually cause the entire system to break down as the furnace continues to turn on, overheats, shut off, and turn on again. That’s why it is crucial to maintain the air filter clean.


Dust Jams

Part of the job of the air filter is capturing dirt and dust. If these particles, get into the fan motors, valves, or other moving parts, it can cause them to jam and stop functioning.

As a consequence, the system will try to extract more power that can cause it to wear out or use more energy than it needs.

Freezing Up

If the filter hasn’t been cleaned or replaced in a while and your air conditioner just doesn’t blow cold air like it used to, it could mean that the machine has frozen.

Unclean filters limit the flow of cold air that can build up inside the air conditioner. The ultimate outcome could be ice forming on the coils.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

If there’s anyone who has an allergy or asthma in your home, a dirty filter can aggravate their symptoms. Clogged filters can allow allergens to build up in the duct system and then release it into the air you breathe every time the system starts.

It has been established that keeping air ducts clean keeps many serious health problems from arising. Regular HVAC cleaning in Dubai increases the overall health of all members of the family.

Medical research findings have shown that when air ducts are regularly cleaned the health of patients with pulmonary health conditions are improved.

Dirty air ducts lower the quality of air in your house, encouraging allergens and other airborne bacteria circulation. People with asthma and other allergies are most likely to get sick and this is particularly true for children and elderly persons.



With all of that said, use this as a reminder to clean or replace your air filter. It only takes a couple of minutes and it can make a huge difference.

HVAC cleaning in Dubai is a major part of homeownership and home maintenance. If you do not believe that your HVAC system works at its full capacity, it is recommended that you seek a professional to check your system.

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