Adams Care Website Basics About Mold And Dampness In Your House
Jan 21, 2023

Basics About Mold And Dampness In Your House

Finding those dark mold spots in your basement or bathtub might be scary. Fortunately, a small amount usually won’t cause you to become ill, but understanding how to get rid of mold and prevent it can help avoid it from becoming a major problem.

You’ll want to tackle the mold while it’s a small area because if left untouched it can spread to a larger area. It can ruin household valuables and even trigger an allergic reaction which can irritate your eyes, skin, nose, throat, and lungs. Here are some tips on cleaning and disinfecting to deal with mold issues while protecting your property and yourself.

What Is Mold?

A mold is a form of fungus made up of tiny creatures that are virtually ubiquitous. They can be any color, including purple, orange, green, or black. Molds outdoors are vital to the natural world because they decompose dead leaves, plants, and trees. They usually multiply by way of microscopic, lightweight spores that fly through the air and thrive on wetness. As a result, you’re exposed to mold every day.

Mold spores are often safe in small quantities, but when they touch a moist area in your home, they can begin to multiply. In addition, spores may be released into the air when mold develops on surfaces where they are easily inhaled. You may encounter health issues if you are allergic to mold and breathe in a lot of spores.

Where Do Molds Grow?

The furnishings, carpet, appliances, walls, and floors in your house can offer mold the nourishment it needs to thrive. However, moisture is what all molds need the most. Thus wet areas like bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, basements, and crawl spaces are where you’ll most likely find mold contamination.

Top Tips for Controlling Mold

Although it is impossible to completely eradicate all mold and mold spores from your home, the easiest strategy to prevent or stop mold growth is to reduce moisture levels since mold spores cannot grow without moisture. If mold is already forming in your home, it’s critical to remove the mold and address the moisture issue. It will come back if you remove the mold only but don’t address the issue.

The following strategies are for lowering moisture throughout the entire house, including recommendations for the locations most vulnerable to moisture and mold growth:

Around the house:

  • Dehumidifiers and air conditioners should be used to lessen air moisture, especially in hot, humid conditions.

  • If at all feasible, keep indoor humidity below 60%. A hygrometer is an affordable instrument that is readily available at many hardware stores and can be used to detect relative humidity.

  • Keep drip trays for the air conditioner clean. Verify the flow and absence of obstacles in the drain lines.

  • When it’s cold outside, keep the house warm. As the temperature drops, the air loses its capacity to contain moisture, which condenses on cold surfaces and may promote mold growth.

  • To prevent condensation, provide insulation to chilly surfaces like windows, floors, and external walls.

  • To stop mold growth, dry moist surfaces within 24 to 48 hours.

  • Ensure your heating and cooling system is sized and working correctly to eliminate humidity by having a heating and conditioning contractor inspect it. Your air conditioner will only eliminate humidity as effectively as needed if your system is too large or the airflow is improper. Additionally, request that the contractor check your duct system for air leaks and adequate room-by-room airflow and size.

  • Increase circulation by opening the doors between rooms, which will help heat chilly surfaces. Utilize fans and move furniture away from wall corners to improve airflow.

If this is all too much to handle with your busy schedule, then get in touch with the best maintenance company in Dubai and we will help you get sorted!

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