Adams Care Website Clean And Bright: Get On With Summer Cleaning With These Sanitization Tips
Jul 9, 2020

Clean And Bright: Get On With Summer Cleaning With These Sanitization Tips

While spring is often associated with cleaning, it doesn’t mean you have to neglect it altogether during the summer. As we welcome the scorching hot summers of the UAE, it’s a perfect time to prepare our homes with proper cleaning! 

Taking this opportunity of staying indoors, the home maintenance experts at Adams Care share valuable tips on taking your summer cleaning routine to a whole new level. This ensures a healthy home where you and your family can enjoy spending time indoors. 

Here are three natural disinfectants and sanitizers that you can find in your pantry. 


Summer is often associated with cool lemonades. Did you know that lemons are effective disinfectants? The citric acid in lemons makes it an effective natural household cleaner. In addition, lemons also have antibacterial properties and leave a fresh scent on your kitchen surfaces. 

Baking Soda

Baking soda isn’t just used for baking, as its name suggests. It is also a popular and powerful cleaning agent.  It is effective in removing stains, grime, and stubborn grease. Apart from these, baking soda is an excellent odor neutralizer.  One tip is sprinkling baking soda at the bottom of the trash bin to prevent bad odor. Baking sodas are also great at scrubbing down mold and mildew and unclogging drains too. 


Vinegar is a pretty versatile cleaning agent. It can effectively sanitize and disinfect a number of viruses and bacteria. Dilute vinegar in water in a 1:1 ratio and use it as a spray to clean surfaces. Vinegar can also be combined with baking soda to effectively clean and disinfect bathroom surfaces. A ⅔ cup of baking combined with ½ cup of dish soap, water and vinegar will make an effective floor cleaner. 

The Case With Deep Cleaning 

These natural disinfectants will ensure that you keep your home clean during the summer. But how about the other components of your home? While these D-I-Y sanitizers are effective in sanitizing on the surface, other pieces of furniture entail the need for a deeper cleaning- such as the case with upholstery and mattresses. 

Getting past cleaning the surface implies the help of experts. In this case, third-part sanitization service providers offer the technology needed to ensure that upholstery, mattresses and other home fixtures are thoroughly clean and sanitized. 

The Technology Behind Adams Care Sanitization Services

Start your summer right with Adam Care’s sanitization and mattress deep cleaning service. The NADCA-certified home maintenance provider uses the latest technology for sanitization. Creating a clean home has several benefits including improved quality of sleep, relief from asthma & allergies, enhanced immune system, and creating a pathogen-free environment. 

Adams Care follows an effective three-step technology that ensures home-owners can reap the maximum benefits of having a clean home. 

Deep Vacuuming

Don’t let a seemingly clean and stain-free mattress/ or upholstery fool you. It could be home to allergens such as animal dander, dead skin cells, and dust mites and their excrement. At Adams Care, we utilize an industrial-standard vacuum cleaner that’s more than 11x stronger than commercial vacuum. All the particles that are pulled out from the mattress or upholstery are kept inside a HEPA ( High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter bag. 

UV-C Sanitizer

The second step involves eliminating any possible DNA traces of pathogens left in your furniture. The UV light that we use at Adams Care reduces microbial growth in just 10 seconds- which is equivalent to 48 hours under the sun. 

Overheated Dry Steam

Finally, dry steam of up to 180oC is used to kill any remaining pathogens through thermal shock. Our dry steam also dramatically reduces water consumption in our cleaning activities. The dry saturated steam is effective in wiping out germs, bacteria, and viruses that can put your family’s safety at risk. 

Learn more about our sanitizing services by contacting us at Adams Care. 

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