Adams Care Website Eco-Friendly Approaches To Sanitizing Your Home
May 28, 2020

Eco-Friendly Approaches To Sanitizing Your Home

Sanitizing your home especially when the COVID-19 pandemic continues across the world, is becoming increasingly important as well as growing in frequency. This can become toxic to nature as these products will ultimately pollute earth and cause irreversible damage to the environment. In order to avoid such dreadful consequences, it is necessary to learn about the right way to clean your homes in an eco-friendly manner.

1. Purchasing The Right Products

As more people are becoming conscious of the products that are being sold in the market and the possible consequences it can bear for the ecosystems that surround us, they are making smarter decisions. One such decision is the increased use of biodegradable cleaning products that do not harm plants and animals alike. 

As more of these products are being manufactured and sold in the market, they are readily available for your purchase at the nearest outlets. Be it detergents, disinfectant wipes or toilet cleaning solutions, all of them have labels that clearly indicate their recyclability if they are eco-friendly. Selecting such labelled products over others will help you make a difference that will always count and matter to the environment.

2. Avoiding Chemicals

It is a common belief that only harsh chemicals can lead to proper cleaning and sanitization of surfaces at home, however this is largely untrue. With more research and experimentation, other alternatives have been found and are being marketed across the world for everyone’s betterment. Some harmful chemical products like window cleaners and sprays have ingredients that are also harmful to our health and must be avoided at all costs. 

As it is tough to decipher which product contains them, you can create natural solutions at home such as combining white vinegar with lemon or baking soda to achieve the same quality of results but in a more environment friendly manner. You can also use citrus peels with white vinegar for optimal results.

3. Cleaning Your AC Units

Your air conditioner units pack up a lot of dust, debris and allergies over time that leads them to function at an altered state which is not optimal. This type of accumulation not only happens in the air filters but also in the air ducts and can harm your lungs and immune system as a whole. They can also end up using more energy to perform the same operations as they have to work at a greater rate for cool air to be produced amidst all stoppages and blocks. 

More energy usage would mean that you will be increasing your carbon footprint and will release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere because of the higher use of refrigerants that produce them. This can all be prevented if a regular maintenance is given to the system and it is kept at its top notch condition at all times.

4. Reusing Items As Much As Possible

A good method of remaining eco friendly is to reduce, reuse and recycle items every single time when using them. This can be ensured when your disinfectant wipes are used to clean multiple surfaces and then are washed and reused as a cleaning cloth until completely worn. Even spray bottles and detergent bottles that store cleaning solutions can be rescued by inserting homemade cleaning solutions within them and using it for further sanitization. 

This way you can reduce the need to purchase more plastic bottles and can keep reusing the ones already present at home. When these bottles cannot support your needs and function anymore, they can be placed in a recycling bin. By following through this practice, you are following the most eco friendly mannerisms possible on a daily basis. 

By adopting the above mentioned approaches, you will definitely be able to practice good eco-friendly methods of sanitizing your home. If you wish to use the services of experts who follow the same principles, our Adam’s Care clenaing services will be of utmost liking to your needs. We use the latest technology such as industrial-quality deep vacuum, UV-C mattress sanitizers as well as an overheated dry steam system to provide environmentally friendly services at all times. Reach out to us today at our company email, or you can even call us at +971 4 557 1800.

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