Adams Care Website How To Keep Your Hardwood Flooring Clean In 3 Steps!
Mar 14, 2023

How To Keep Your Hardwood Flooring Clean In 3 Steps!

Washing your hardwood floor has a double-edged effect: You may either ruin it or leave it looking wonderful. Do you fear having worn-out colors and dreary floorboards? The good news is that you can easily avoid it. Always make your floor stand out in a positive way. Here are three simple steps for cleaning hardwood floors that you can try before an expert handyman does the bigger job!

Why is cleaning your hardwood floor so challenging?

Hardwood floors are sensitive to humidity and temperature changes. If you’re not careful and use hot water or too much moisture, it can affect the floorboards. Besides, harsh chemicals are not an option to clean hardwood floors since they can scrape off the finish and cup the boards.

How to clean a hardwood floor in 3 steps

Although this task is quite straightforward, you must take care of it. The good news is that maintaining a sparkling hardwood floor is considerably simpler once you’re done cleaning. The boards simply need to be mopped once every week. As not all hardwood floors are created equal, it is essential to test any cleaning solution on a small area first to prevent possible damage.

Step #1. Dust the floor first

If there are smudges of dirt scattered everywhere, you shouldn’t clean the flooring. If the dry dirt isn’t initially removed, you’ll merely spread the dust and leave a streaky floor. Floor sweeping will work. But, a vacuum cleaner will yield superior results. To prevent damaging the floor with the wheels and brush bar, move gently and cautiously. It is also advisable to use the “hardwood floor” option on your vacuum cleaner.

Step #2. Scrub grime and mineral buildup off

Examine the floor for little stains that require extra attention before mopping the entire surface. Such stains are typically mineral buildup from hard water or dirt stains. Add some baking soda, then scrub the area with a damp cloth corner. Use only a small amount of baking soda to avoid drying out the wooden finish. Rubber alcohol and water can also be mixed in equal parts. Dish soap and water will successfully remove any greasy stains or oil spills. Remember to rinse any leftover material with a mop that is just damp.

Step #3. Mop your wood floor clean

For your hardwood floors, you can purchase a specialized cleaning product. But, there is also the DIY route. For many cleaning jobs, white vinegar is an excellent substitute that is both affordable and simple to apply. You could use water to lessen its acidity if you’re concerned about it. Half a cup of vinegar and 1 gallon of warm water are the safest mixtures for your flooring, but spot-test them first! The mop should be dipped into the solution and wrung out as much as you can. Then, move across the floor in a tight “s” shape, beginning at the edges. Then, use a different mop to dry the floor or turn on a fan to let it dry.

However, trying to clean spotless all by yourself can be hard especially if you are working. Therefore hiring an upholstery cleaning professional in Dubai can help you keep up with the chores and return some of your free time.

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