Adams Care Website Summer Cleaning Checklist
Mar 28, 2023

Summer Cleaning Checklist

The last thing you want to worry about in the summer is home maintenance. Summer offers its fair share of chores that may need to be done more frequently along with the warm weather. Happily, you’ll have a few longer daylight hours, which are really helpful when you have additional cleaning tasks to complete. Use these summer cleaning tips both inside and outside your home to protect it from the damaging effects of heat, humidity, dust, filth, and vermin. Do these cleaning projects early in the season to take advantage of the summer’s pleasant temperatures and sunshine. Furthermore keep in mind that if you have children who are home from school, you already have a set of helping hands. Or rather get in touch with a Cleaning Professional in Dubai.

Do you know which rooms in your house might require additional care as the weather warms up? You may avoid the summertime blues by keeping up with these seasonal duties with the aid of the cleaning checklist below.

Check one: Preparation

If you attempt to deep clean your apartment or home all at once, it will likely be too much work. Cleaning after careful planning and preparation will greatly simplify your life, especially if you intend to take your time and clean in stages. Moreover, it would be best if you could involve your roommates. Sharing the workload will make it more enjoyable and time will probably pass more quickly. Put on your favorite playlist whether you’re with friends or by yourself, and start sweeping, mopping, and dusting!

Check two: Equipment

Don’t begin the cleaning process right away. Making sure you have the necessary tools and supplies will prevent you from having to make additional visits to the store when you realize you only have the dustpan and not the brush. Washing-up liquid, sponges, a scourer, oven cleaner, bleach, a microfiber cloth, a dustpan and brush, a vacuum cleaner, a mop and bucket, a multi-purpose cleaner, and window and glass cleaner should be plenty to get you through the entire cleaning session.

Check three: Bedroom

Start by hanging clean clothes up and doing a wash, including towels and sheets, if you haven’t previously done so. Then, tidy up any surface objects. Cleaning your windows, including the frame and windowsill, comes after cleaning your desk, side tables, shelves, and the interior of your closet. Finally, vacuum your floor, repositioning furniture as needed. Don’t forget to check under your desk, in front of your door, and under your bed.

Check four: Kitchen

Washing up is a good place to start before removing any last-minute cabinet contents to clean the shelves. After that, remove any unusual objects from surfaces and clean your kitchen equipment, such as the oven, stove, and microwave. It’s time for the refrigerator and freezer now. Take away any expired food and clean the shelves, being sure to also clean the side compartments. Then, clean the counters and sink before moving on to the windows and windowsills. Finally, clean the floor with a broom and mop until it sparkles.

Check five: Bathroom

As taking a shower would take the longest, it might be wise to start there. Then, toss any leftover towels, the shower mat, the flannels, and the shower curtain into the washing machine. Spray it down, scrub the walls and shower floor, and don’t forget the shower head and hose. Next, let’s talk about one of the less appealing jobs: cleaning toilets. With this one, bleach is your best friend. After that, thoroughly clean the sink and use your window and glass cleaner on the windows, mirror, and shower. Finally, mop and sweep the floor—you must already be familiar with this procedure.

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