Adams Care Website Learn The Benefits That Mattress Deep Cleaning Offers To Your Wellbeing
Jun 22, 2020

Learn The Benefits That Mattress Deep Cleaning Offers To Your Wellbeing

Who does not want a good night’s sleep? After all, it’s our body’s way of recuperating after a long, tiring and busy day at work or at school. People even go out of their way to prepare several things that could help them sleep better. 

These can include ambient noise machines, incense, aromatherapy candles, even a warm bath. But the most important thing to consider to have fulfilling snooze is the bed we sleep in. From the fluffiness of the pillows, the softness of the bed linens down to the quality of the mattress. Each detail of your bed influences the comfortable you sleep.

While we can always fluff and disinfect our pillows and wash our bed linens, mattresses are often taken for granted. However, your mattress can be home to several microorganisms and bacteria and creepy nightcrawlers or bed bugs. 

While it may sound like a hellish nightmare, there are no problems that don’t have a solution. A way to ensure a clean and sleep-friendly mattress is regular disinfection and sanitization. 

Let us go over some amazing health benefits that mattress deep cleaning can contribute to our wellbeing. 

Improved Quality Of Sleep

This is a no-brainer. A clean mattress does improve the quality of sleep of individuals. Sleep experts from the National Sleep foundation agree that a clean and hygienic bed is attributed to a better quality of sleep. People sleep better when they know they are taking their slumber in a clean bed. It can provide the peace of mind that’s needed for a comfortable sleep. Additionally having a clean and hygienic bed promotes better indoor air quality. 

Better Indoor Air Quality 

An unclean bed is home to small particles from the skin cells we shed, animal dander ( if you have pets) and dust we carry from our clothes.  Whenever we turn and move about our sleeping positions in bed, we stir up these particles into the air as this accumulates, it causes poor indoor air quality.

Allergy And Asthma Relief

You effectively get rid of allergens when you deep clean your mattress. Common allergens are dust mites, pollen and animal dander which can all be found deep in your mattress. When left uncleaned or sanitized, mattresses can agitate your allergy and can cause you to develop eczema, allergic rhinitis, and possibly cause an asthma attack.

What Goes Into Deep Cleaning A Mattress?

At Adams Care, mattress deep cleaning typically involves three easy steps – deep vacuuming,  UV-C mattress sanitizing, and overheated dry steaming. 

Deep Vacuuming

This pulls out dust mite, dead skin, hairs, pet dander, pollen, and other household debris deep within your furniture and mattress into a disposable HEPA filter bag (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) up to 0.3 macron.

UV-C Mattress Sanitizing

UV-C is ideal for mattress sanitizing since its capable of eliminating the DNA of all viruses, bacteria, dust mites & their eggs, and in minimizing microbial growth from your mattress.10 seconds under the UV sanitizer is equivalent to 48 hours under the sun.

Overheated Dry Steaming

Steam Disinfector provides superheats steam up to 180°C, which is the right temperature for killing germ, bacteria, and other microorganisms by thermal shock.

Through these three steps, your mattress will not only be clean but will also feel fresh and brand new. It’s important to do this on a regular basis to ensure a comfortable sleeping environment which is a big factor for your wellbeing. 

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