Adams Care Website 4 AC Energy-Saving Tips To Minimize Your Next Electric Bill
Nov 12, 2019

4 AC Energy-Saving Tips To Minimize Your Next Electric Bill

As your air conditioner is one of your home’s largest energy consumers,  frequent uses will lead to huge utility bills. However, you don’t need to come to terms with these high electricity bills, because you can now minimize them even if you operate your AC unit day after day.

Power consumption can rise with daytime temperature. But, there are some very simple and efficient tips to decrease your bill for air conditioning while maintaining a pleasant indoor temperature.

Here are some of our top AC energy saving tips that could cut costs and save your utility tab.

Make Use of Thermostats and Timers

Every degree matters when it comes to energy usage and the reduction of your air conditioning bill over the summer!

Therefore, one of the most energy-efficient things you can do is set your thermostat at a safe temperature that will not make your system working too hard, but will still keep you cool and comfortable.

Typically, the thermostat should be set anywhere between 22 and 24 degrees Celsius. Be mindful that you’re saving on your energy bill for every single degree of cooling you can do without.

Also, resist from setting the AC into a high cooling mode during summer. Just setting up the air conditioning unit one degree warmer than you will typically be able to minimize costs by up to 10%. In particular, try not to set the thermostat below the outdoor temperature by less than 8 degrees.

Consider investing in a thermostat with a built-in timer to really help reduce your energy bill, so you’re not just setting the temperature, but setting the operating hours to optimize energy efficiency.

Reduce Heat Sources

Keep your thermostat away from heat-producing devices, such as televisions or lightbulbs. The heat they generate will cause your thermostat to feel it’s going to have to work harder to cool the room with more energy

Frying, baking, or using other machines can also raise the temperature inside your home, causing the air conditioner to work much harder. We recommend restricting such activities during the day’s hottest hours to save more energy.

Keep the sun out

While natural sunlight is good, the rays of the sun may raise the temperature in your home during the summer season. To minimize external heat, close the blinds and drapes or invest in blackout curtains.

You can trap the hot air and the sun’s rays out by shutting doors, blinds, shutters, and drapes. This way, the air conditioning doesn’t have to work all the time to keep the optimum temperature.

If your windows have a strong defense line, heat absorption can be drastically reduced. Even tinted windows will prevent some of the heat from the sun from reaching your air-conditioned haven, and your unit will not have to operate so hard.

Service Your Unit

All your air conditioner needs maybe some basic maintenance. Ensure that an AC maintenance company in Dubai maintains the air conditioning unit regularly and that the filter is either replaced or cleaned to ensure maximum performance. A clogged and dirty filter makes any air conditioning unit more tricky to work, which means more electricity and increased energy costs!

Final Thoughts

A maintenance company in Dubai will always need to service your AC unit regularly, and it would be smart to have skilled professionals actually do the job every so often.

Our AC maintenance specialists at Adams Care will make sure all of your AC unit’s essential parts are clean all drains are clear, and refrigerant levels are appropriate, among other items. All of these checks will help make your AC work more efficient, resulting in lower energy consumption and lower energy bills.

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