Adams Care Website How Dust Affects Those With Overactive Immune System?
Apr 14, 2022

How Dust Affects Those With Overactive Immune System?

According to John Hopkins Medicine, allergic diseases are among the most common chronic health problems globally. In fact, in a study published in 2021, it was reported that this type of disease is the fourth most common illness in the world. This condition is caused by an overactive immune system that triggers the body to react to normally harmless environmental substances called “allergens,” and is usually genetic, developing as a person ages. 


Health Conditions Associated with an Overactive Immune System 

  • Asthma

According to the World Health Organization, 262 million people worldwide are affected with asthma, a disease which resulted in 461,000 deaths in 2019. This is usually caused by two types of triggers: unavoidable and avoidable ones.

Unavoidable triggers typically consist of extensive physical activities, while avoidable triggers are usually caused by allergens and irritants, like house dust mites, pollen, and mold. When those inflicted encounter these allergens, the immune system pushes the lungs to respond, causing wheezing, coughing, and worse, trouble breathing.

  • Allergic rhinitis

According to reports, 10% to 30% of the worldwide population are affected with allergic rhinitis, a condition which causes those inflicted to suffer from constant sneezing, runny nose, and swollen nasal passages. This usually occurs in people whose immune systems have recognized allergens, such as dust, as harmful, causing the production of antibodies to fight it. These antibodies then trigger cells to release a number of chemicals which causes the nose to become inflamed, and thereby produce too much mucus.

  • Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a condition which causes the skin to become itchy, leaving red blotches which may take too long to heal. Among the most common causes of this skin condition are environmental allergens, like dust mites and pollens, which enter through the small gaps in the skin, prompting the body to release chemicals that lead to itchiness, redness, and swelling. 


Tips to Prevent These Health Conditions


  • Avoid triggers


According to studies, the highest logical tactic to reduce allergic diseases is to avoid allergens. This can be done by making sure that indoor areas are well-ventilated for better air quality. 

Dr. John McKeon, CEO of Allergy Standards Limited, noted that indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. To reduce these pollutants, it becomes necessary to engage in the services of NADCA certified air cleaners to ensure that HVAC systems and air conditioning (AC) units are working well, thereby filtering the dust that circulates in the air.


  • Regulate indoor humidity


According to experts, the ideal relative humidity (RH) level in indoor spaces is between 40% to 60%. This RH level allows water mists to capture dust particles in the air, reducing the risk of health hazards associated with it. Otherwise, a higher RH level will cause dust mites to develop, as these species thrive in extremely moist environments.

To ensure the indoor humidity is maintained at this level, it is crucial to invest in AC units, especially in hot and humid areas, in order to regulate air moisture and avoid dust mites from thriving. For those who have already invested in one, it becomes crucial for them to regularly clean air ducts to ensure that the system would be able to filter pollutants efficiently.

If you are from hot and humid places like the UAE, you may reach out to Adams Care, who provides services like AC cleaning in Dubai

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