Adams Care Website 3 Ways You’re Damaging Your AC System Without You Noticing
Nov 24, 2019

3 Ways You’re Damaging Your AC System Without You Noticing

Many homeowners don’t really comprehend how their air conditioner works and consequently, damages their AC system without them realizing.

You may not be aware of this, but the way you use your HVAC system can cause damage and shorten its lifespan. When you eradicate a few bad habits, the cooling system at your home in Dubai will produce better results and use less power.

Find out the ways you could be damaging your air conditioning system, so you can optimize comfort and lower utility bills.

Constantly Changing The Thermostat Settings

If your household is unable to decide on an ideal temperature and the thermostat is changing all the time, the AC system may be impaired. 

 Similarly, constantly switching on and turning off the system will potentially stress the AC and can lead to breakdowns. Mediate these temperature disputes and save your system by installing a smart, programmable thermostat.

Throughout the hot and humid summer days, your air conditioner can keep you cool and cozy. Several AC systems have smarter technologies that adapt intelligent cooling, where the system can switch on and off or adjust the temperature based on the presence of people inside the home, maintaining a comfortable temperature.

Obstructing Airflow

Any activity that prevents the efficient operation of your air conditioner is likely to end up damaging your system. Closing or covering vents will impact airflow and reduce efficiency. Also, prolonging AC maintenance can lead to accumulated dust, dirt and debris in the coil and filter which can hinder airflow into their home.

Keep indoor air handler and register area clean and free of blockages. The same applies to the unit outside. Disinfect from all sides of the condenser and keep branches, shrubs, and objects several feet away.

When you have a regular ducted AC that pushes air through the vents into the rooms, you need to be careful not to obstruct the vents. 

Moving furniture or carpets can unintentionally lead to a blocked airflow in a room, especially when the house does not get a lot of air. It won’t be noticeable at first, but the damage will be evident once it’s too late.

Make sure that you do not harm the AC system erroneously and cause a failure by disregarding the furnace filter and skipping annual maintenance.


Neglecting Regular AC Maintenance. 

Through regular maintenance, almost all of the most common causes of air conditioner issues can be easily avoided. Have an HVAC and AC repair services expert in Dubai  come in to examine and repair your unit if necessary.

Our technicians provide certified AC repair services in Dubai,  checking the cooling system every year to ensure that it is safe, effective and no problem areas can cause a breakdown.

It is also worth mentioning that the annual maintenance of AC is necessary to maintain the supplier warranties valid.

Professional air conditioner maintenance or frequent AC repair services in Dubai should be arranged each year to secure your AC. Our service technicians will assess the quality of your unit and check for wear and tear during a professional maintenance appointment.

We will also perform any repairs necessary and clean all components of the system. In addition to professional maintenance, you can use regular changes to the air filter to ensure the efficiency of your air conditioning system.

Final Thoughts

Understanding the right factors that cause damage to the system will help you experience better quality in air conditioning for years to come.
More than anything, leave the technical work to the pros in order to avoid compromising the air conditioning system. Regular AC maintenance or AC repair services in Dubai  is one way we can identify problems and help you to take corrective action. Contact Adams Care today to learn more.

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