Adams Care Website 3 Major Ways In Which AC Servicing Ensure Safe & Effective Performance
Jun 22, 2021

3 Major Ways In Which AC Servicing Ensure Safe & Effective Performance

An air conditioner is meant to make our homes comfortable by regulating the indoor temperature. Nowadays, many modern homes have an AC in use. However, purchasing an AC is only one thing; making it operate optimally for the money you invest takes some other careful AC maintenance or, in other words, servicing. 

A poorly serviced AC is more likely to cause your energy costs to skyrocket along with unhealthy and ineffective performance. Here are 4 major ways how regular AC servicing can ensure safe & effective performance. 

Prevents a clogged air filter 

Every time you turn on your AC, the air filter captures dirt and other airborne particles. Particularly in summer, when your ac is running more frequently, the air filter captures particles at a faster rate and gets clogged quicker. A clogged air filter will pressure the air handler to work harder to compensate for the blockage of airflow- causing it to consume more energy and overheat. 

Besides, as a clogged air filter blocks the airflow, it can result in an inadequate amount of cooling, making it difficult to reach your desired indoor temperature levels. 

On the other hand, a clogged air filter will also let unfiltered air pass through and circulate in your home, affecting the quality and safety of the indoor air quality, and as such, servicing your AC regularly can keep you away from these issues effectively. 

Improves the dehumidifying effect

Dehumidifying is a key function performed by an AC that helps to enhance the cooling effect of your indoor air and atmosphere. Your AC will pull both heat and moisture from the air in normal conditions and push back cold, dehumidified air into your home. 

When your AC is rarely serviced, it can lead to dirty coils, refrigerant leaks, or even leaky ductwork- which all reduce the dehumidifying effect of your AC. As a result, your AC will not give out the expected cooling effect most of the time because of high humidity levels. 

A low dehumidifying effect can also increase the moisture in the indoor air, triggering and allowing room for the circulation of allergens and other irritants. High humidity in your indoor air can also make it difficult for you to breathe – if you’re an asthma patient. 

Prevents mold growth 

In general conditions, AC doesn’t provide a suitable place for mold growth. However, a poorly serviced or less maintained AC can collect dust, giving a stable food source for mold growth. In addition, any leakages in your AC that are not properly drained or cleaned can leave out moisture, again making room for mold growth. 

A moldy AC can add an unpleasant odor to your indoor air and can directly affect your AC’s performance by blocking airflow to the evaporator coil. When your AC doesn’t get adequate airflow, the evaporator coil won’t perform effectively, resulting in poor cooling performance.

Apart from this, mold growth in your AC can circulate mold spores everywhere inside your house and affect the air quality you breathe. Mold can cause symptoms like throat irritation, wheezing, congestion, and even increase the chance of respiratory infections. 

If you’re looking to get your AC serviced for safer and effective performance, contact us at Adams Care. As one of the pioneers in home maintenance company in Dubai, we specialize in providing HVAC maintenance services according to established safety standards and best practices. All our services are provided by a qualified and experienced team of professionals and the use of the latest technology and techniques, which we believe is what has given us an impeccable reputation in the industry.

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