Adams Care Website Exploring How The Pandemic Made Clean Air More Essential Than Ever
Feb 21, 2022

Exploring How The Pandemic Made Clean Air More Essential Than Ever

The pandemic has brought about a serious need for enhanced public health protocols worldwide – most particularly in the residential and commercial sectors. From social distancing regulations to lockdowns, healthcare officials are making continuous changes to ensure that risk for inspection decreases. As COVID19 mandates continue to change, recent studies point to an overlooked but potentially important factor in enclosed spaces: air quality. 

What is Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a measure of air cleanliness within and around buildings and structures. Because humans spend a great deal indoors, IAQ has become strongly linked to health and well-being. 

The importance of proper indoor air quality.

Research indicates that levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2 to 5 times higher than those outdoors. In severe cases, this comparison can go up to 100 times more, proving that poor indoor air quality can be more hazardous to health than that of outdoors. While it has always been a topic of importance in health sectors, the pandemic catalyzed improvements necessary in slowing down the spread of the virus. Current evidence suggests that the virus is transmitted through short-range or direct particle transference. Because it only requires short distances to spread, the likelihood of poorly-ventilated indoor transmissions are higher than that outdoors. It’s important to make the right precautions in maintaining ideal air quality for any indoor space.

Measures to improve the indoor air quality in homes and businesses.  

Before making a comprehensive plan to ensure good air quality in your property, thorough inspections must be made to get a clear understanding of what changes must be done. This might require use of specific equipment to gather relevant metrics to know whether professional help must be employed. With advanced monitoring tools, data on CO2 concentration, temperature, humidity, and particulate matter can be gathered more accurately. However, simple measures can be done preemptively to ensure a healthy environment at home or in businesses.

One of the simplest steps in maintaining a good level of air quality indoors is by managing humidity. Moist conditions facilitate the growth of most air pollutants that trigger respiratory issues. Checking if your air ducts are free from blockages, contaminants, and moisture can ensure that clean air is properly distributed throughout the space. Ideally, air ducts and air-conditioning units must be serviced annually per the suggestion of experts. This increases the efficiency in your HVAC systems, improving the overall air quality in the home. Dirty mattresses, carpets, and rugs are also causes for concerns as they serve as breeding grounds for pollutants harmful to the body. Vacuuming and washing them regularly can ensure that your space is free of dust. Make sure to book a professional deep-cleaning every 12 to 18 months to get rid of debris build up.

If there is anything that the pandemic taught us, it’s that we must follow healthy practices starting from our homes to our places of school, work, or businesses moving forward. Adams Care is an all-around maintenance provider that offers a wide range of services to improve any property. To know more about our services from HVAC cleaning in Dubai to electrical, plumbing services, and more, get in touch with us today.

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