Adams Care Website AC Mistakes That Are Costing You Money
Oct 28, 2022

AC Mistakes That Are Costing You Money

If your energy bills are going up and you can’t find a proper reason why, then it’s time to look at how you run and maintain your AC unit. Although often overlooked, many simple AC mistakes can cause it to work harder by consuming a lot of energy, thereby increasing the energy cost. Here are a few such common AC mistakes that you probably didn’t know cost you money.

Running Your AC Continuously

Just because you have an AC doesn’t mean you must always keep them on. While keeping it on all the time can keep your home cool, especially during summer, it can also cost you more energy and even shorten the unit’s lifespan.

Whenever possible during the day, open the windows for ventilation without relying on the AC all the time. Likewise, consider turning your thermostat up a few degrees when you leave the house. Then, you can turn it back down when you return.

Forgoing Maintenance

This is a common but very serious AC mistake that costs you money. AC maintenance is crucial in keeping your AC under regular check and working efficiently. Maintenance allows your AC unit to be cleaned and tuned as needed to perform smoothly, consuming less energy.

It also prevents expensive repairs down the road. Remember that keeping the significant parts of your AC running at peak efficiency is key to reducing your AC bills.

Not Closing Your Windows And Doors

There is nothing wrong with wanting some nice summer breeze, but keeping your windows open while the AC is on makes it work much harder with more energy. If you want to enjoy a cool breeze, switch off the AC.

Otherwise, the AC will work harder to reduce humidity and create an optimal temperature indoors. This means that your AC will have to work more than it needs to, adding more to your bills. So always keep your doors and windows closed tightly to keep the cool air in and hot air out.

Using Old Filters

Dirty AC filters restrict airflow, causing the system to demand more electricity. Aside from spiking your energy costs, dirty filters can result in a frozen evaporator coil and add to indoor air pollution, causing health risks.

As part of the AC conditioning service, replace the air filter at least every 90 days. During summer, when the Ac will be working more than usual, replacing it every 30 days is recommended.

Installing Your AC In The Wrong Location

Although taken lightly, the location of your air conditioner plays a significant role in how well it cools your home, its energy consumption levels, and, thereby, the energy cost. Therefore, ensure your AC unit is installed in a place not exposed to excessive heat or bright sunlight.

Even if you may not like it, the best place to install an AC unit will be an open location away from bushes and other trees. It helps the unit get more ventilation and prevents it from overworking and overheating, thereby reducing your energy bills. It also goes a long way in avoiding unnecessary breakdowns and the need for AC repair services.

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