Adams Care Website Here’s Why You Should Regularly Get Your ACs Serviced
Apr 7, 2022

Here’s Why You Should Regularly Get Your ACs Serviced

The use of air conditioning (AC) units has recently become a necessity rather than a luxury. According to reports, the world’s warmest conditions may persist in 2022, with the global average temperature crossing 1 degree Celsius for the eighth consecutive year. The current climatic phenomenon may force people to use their AC units more extensively to get through the warmest days of the year. With this, regular maintenance becomes necessary.


How Regular Servicing Expands an AC Unit’s Lifespan

Modern AC units usually have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. However, they lose about 5% of their functionality each year if not regularly serviced. This clearly shows how these machines need regular inspection and maintenance for it to work at optimum capacity for a longer period. Otherwise, it may not only compromise usage, but also cause expensive repairs.

Specifically, here’s how regular maintenance extends an AC unit’s life:

  • Inspecting

Inspection is an essential part of AC servicing. This allows technicians to detect issues that may cause the unit to malfunction, allowing them to correct the problem before it causes a strain on the system that will shorten its life cycle.

  • Cleaning

With regular AC servicing, technicians will be able to remove dirt buildup that places additional and unnecessary friction on the AC’s components that cause it to age faster.

  • Adjusting

As small problems will be detected early through regular AC servicing, apparatuses will be adjusted accordingly. For example, should there be problems with the thermostat or the AC’s fan blades, technicians will be able to make early adjustments that would prevent further adverse effects on the overall functionality of the unit.


Benefits of Regularly Getting AC Units Serviced


  • Functions of important components are enhanced


Throughout the lifecycle of an AC unit, dust can accumulate on its condenser coils and filters over time as dirt from the air outside is absorbed by the exterior cooling unit. The greater the buildup, the more difficult it is for the cooling system to function because its ability to absorb heat can be significantly reduced.

With regular AC servicing, condenser coils and filters will be regularly checked and cleaned, getting rid of dirt buildups that would compromise its functions, thereby enhancing the overall function of the AC unit.


  • Reduces costs on repairs, energy, and utility 


Dirt that accumulates over time due to the regular use of AC units may restrict air flow and reduce the system’s capacity to comply with the thermostat, causing it to take longer to cool spaces and increase its run time. In the long run, this will exhaust the system, resulting in expensive repair costs and high electric bills.

With regular servicing, ACs will be able to run at peak efficiency as small problems are detected before causing greater damage to the unit, reducing costs on repairs, energy and utility.


  • Improves air quality


Aside from maintaining the desired indoor temperature, AC units also circulate and filter air by removing pollutants and allergens. However, when a unit is not properly cleaned and maintained, it may circulate dust and pollen rather than remove it, causing health problems to people with severe allergies and asthma. Because of this, it is vital to have them regularly serviced by qualified AC technicians from NADCA certified companies to keep them from performing at its full potential, ensuring cool and clean air quality within spaces.


How Often Should You Have Your AC Unit Serviced

AC units should be serviced at least twice a year, before and after hot summer days, because this is when the system is used the most. In places like Dubai, where the summer season is hotter than in any other countries, it is especially necessary to have these machines inspected at such times in order to tune them up and get them ready for the humidity and heat of the season.

To have your AC unit prepared for hot summer seasons, and ensure that it functions at its full potential all year long, reach out to Adams Care, a certified AC maintenance company in Dubai.

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