Adams Care Website Is Your Air-Conditioning Making You Sick? Here’s How To Avoid It
Feb 7, 2022

Is Your Air-Conditioning Making You Sick? Here’s How To Avoid It

Air-conditioners are life-saving solutions that make the Dubai heat a little more bearable. However, there are situations wherein it’s the air-conditioning units that cause harm to physical health.

What are the ways to prevent AC-sickness?

Check air ducts for blockages.

The first step in reducing risk of AC sickness is by eliminating other sources like blocked air ducts. If left unchecked, dust can accumulate in your ducts over time. Significant buildup could cause poor airflow, resulting in stale air and poor ventilation. Poor air flow can also cause air-borne bacteria and viruses to circulate and increase risk for discomfort or illnesses. Make a thorough inspection of your air ducts for blockages and clean accordingly to ensure that uncontaminated air is circulated. 

Clean the filters of your air-conditioning unit.

When air-conditioning is in use, the air filter component collects and harbors several allergens such as dust, animal dander, pollen, or even mold. This issue is especially more prevalent during the winter season because AC units are often switched off and left unattended. Poor air circulation due to a blocked and unclean filter will then lead to circulation of these particular allergens, leading to allergic reactions or sinus congestion – especially with asthma sufferers. If you’re feeling particularly congested and stuffy, your filter might be due for a cleaning. Do this simply by switching the air-conditioning unit off to ensure that unfiltered air does not circulate through your space. Then, make use of a vacuum to remove debris. For a more thorough cleanse, you can wash the filter with a solution of one part water and one part white vinegar. Allow the filter to soak for an hour. Rinse off with water and fully dry before attaching back to the air-conditioning unit. Over time, air-conditioning filters wear out and show and require replacement. Make note of the manufacturer specifications in the instruction manual to see which filter is suitable for your unit. For a more thorough cleaning or replacement, it’s recommended to consult a HVAC professional.

Examine your air-conditioning unit for leaks.

Water leakage from your AC unit can facilitate growth of various disease-causing organisms. However, water leakage isn’t the only issue to look out for. Refrigerant poisoning due to leakages is a serious health hazard that can result in labored breathing, irregular heartbeat, fluid buildup, confusion, and in severe cases, seizures. If any of this issue occurs, consult the doctor immediately. 

Set the thermostat at an optimal temperature. 

If you have made a thorough assessment of your unit and failed to see any damage that might be causing you health issues, it’s best to evaluate if the temperature in your space is the culprit. Oftentimes, when there is high outdoor temperature, people get the tendency to set their air-conditioning setting at maximum. While cold air itself is not particularly harmful, it can promote growth of harmful organisms as these strive in low-humidity conditions. Low temperatures can also cause arteries in the skin to constrict as a way to protect the body from heat loss. This process hinders proper blood flow, lowering the body’s safeguarding systems and making it more vulnerable to diseases. Adjust your thermostat to a temperature that is just comfortable enough – not too cold or too hot. 

Schedule a professional maintenance service.

There are numerous benefits to getting a professional cleaning and maintenance service. For starters, AC seasoned technicians know the lowdown on air-conditioning parts, capacity, and functions important in determining if the unit is working efficiently. Furthermore, the likelihood of damage during cleaning or maintenance is decreased when handled by experts. Regardless of brand or model, air-conditioning units require professional servicing at least once a year to ensure that everything is in tip-top shape.Staying on top of your HVAC maintenance can go long ways in keeping you from getting sick and acquiring hefty electricity bills. Schedule regular checkups with professionals and detect any damage or leakages ahead of time for a clean, germ-free environment.

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