Adams Care Website Check For These 5 Things Before Scheduling Your HVAC Appointment
Dec 15, 2019

Check For These 5 Things Before Scheduling Your HVAC Appointment

Heating and cooling systems, like other varieties of electrical equipment, require frequent upkeep to remain functional, eliminate the need for major repairs, and prolong their life. Like a vehicle, it is important to inspect, wash and change the components within the HVAC system as they wear down overtime.

If your HVAC system does not run as well as usual, you may be inclined to immediately contact professional HVAC services in Dubai. Checking a few basic things beforehand, however, can save you a lot of time and money in some instances.

Why is an HVAC Appointment Necessary?

The routine tune-up ensures that your unit works efficiently, keeping your home comfortable and, most importantly, identifying minor issues before they get bigger and more expensive. Among other items, HVAC technicians can inspect electrical connections, remove built up dust, examine drainage lines, check for leaks and assess air flow.

Routine preventive maintenance will increase the shelf life of your unit by several years and help you save on electricity bills. According to Solar Energy Center,systems that are not maintained properly can lose up to 5% of their performance every year.

Although you should take immediate action to conduct some of the basic maintenance of your system on your own, such as adjusting your air filter, there are certain procedures that require the expertise of an HVAC technician. Many homeowners do not have the right knowledge, resources or equipment to conduct a machine tune-up.

The cost of an annual HVAC service in Dubai is a worthwhile investment since a professional inspection can spot potential issues or fixes that can save you the cost of a larger problem. 

Even if nothing is found to be faulty with your unit, regular maintenance will most often compensate for itself in terms of the extended lifespan of your HVAC system, lower energy usage, less repairs and sustained efficiency.

What to Expect During an HVAC Appointment

Most heating and air conditioning companies offer a maintenance service, but the level of service can differ. Typically, the HVAC technician will have a checklist of things to inspect, evaluate, clean and change based on the time of year on either your cooling or heating equipment. 

This degree of servicing goes beyond the mundane tasks that you should perform on your own every few months, such as replacing your air filter or making sure that your outdoor HVAC unit is free of obstructions.

When to Book an HVAC Appointment

The best time to schedule maintenance service is, as you might have expected, anytime before you need to use your system the most. 

Nonetheless, how often you arrange an appointment is more critical than when you should schedule a maintenance session. A specialist should inspect the HVAC systems at least twice a year. So if you have a regular central AC or a heater, you will have to constantly schedule maintenance for each of these units every year. 

What To Check Before Scheduling an HVAC Appointment

The best way to find out if your HVAC system is ready for the warm season is to arrange for a professional inspection by an HVAC technician. The diagnosis is intended to identify current and possible defects that may cause the system to function at a less than optimal level. 

To make sure that the maintenance is successfully carried out, you must perform a variety of tasks to prepare for the process. Read on to find out how you can prepare yourself and your home for an HVAC appointment.

  1. Put Clutter Away Clean The Areas Around The Vent

Toys and other items floating around your home and in the yard may cause the technicians to trip over. Make sure to remove any clutter before your session. This involves removing any objects that might make it hard to get to your outdoor units or systems that might be in the basement.

The area surrounding your air conditioning unit should be clean and free from obstructions. Furniture, decor and items too close to the equipment will impede the mobility of the HVAC inspector and prevent him or her from working efficiently. The technician may also slip and fall if there are spills and water puddles in your home.  Ensure that the environment the technician will work in is clean, dry, and safe.

Sweep the debris, dirt and leaves around the area and cut the shrubs and trees that grow too close to the unit.  This will help ensure that the technician can work as easily and comfortably as possible. 

The HVAC inspector may have to inspect the vents around your home depending on the type of air conditioning system you have and the problems it is experiencing. Put away any clutter near the air vents, such as clothes and toys, and ensure that the ventilation is not blocked by your furniture. If your furniture can not be moved away from an air vent, give your technician a heads up in advance. He or she will tell you if the furniture needs to be removed or not.

  1. Be Present and Prepared

Jotting down a list of questions you might have before the technicians arrive is a wise idea. The technicians will do their best to answer any issues or concerns you may have, and if we don’t have a response while we’re at your home, we’ll get back to you with an answer as quickly as possible.

While waiting for the HVAC inspector to arrive it’s advisable, to remain at home until the scheduled appointment and not go out to run a quick errand. 

If you are late, it can affect the technician’s schedule and it may cause problems for them, particularly if they have a busy day ahead. They may not be able to concentrate entirely on the job as a result. The technician will have less time to examine your HVAC system if you are extremely late, leading in a rushed or inadequate inspection process. 

If you’re dealing with a new HVAC service company in Dubai, it is essential to inform them on your system’s last date of service or repair. It will give the technician a clearer idea of what to expect during the maintenance appointment.

Knowing where all the components of your HVAC system are located is another important thing you have to do. Depending on the type of air conditioner you have, the number of components may differ. There are two main units in most systems: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. You also need to know where the evaporator coil, cooling lines, and thermostat are located in addition to these two units. If you use a ducted unit, you need to figure out where the ducts and vents are located.

For your reference, here is an image from Bright Hub Engineering that illustrates the parts of a window air conditioner:

  1. Keep your Pets Away

You may have a sweet and loving pet, but when our HVAC specialists operate in or around your house, it’s essential to keep them confined. It’s not just for the protection of our techs, but also for your pet’s. In a maintenance or repair work, we don’t want them to unintentionally get hurt.

If you have pets at home, you need to have a plan to make sure that during the HVAC inspection, they will not cause disruption or interruption.  Even if your pet is very friendly, moving slowly or blocking the way can intrude with the process. Consider ahead of time how you can keep your furry babies out of the way during the appointment.

  1. Check the Thermostat

You should check to see if your thermostat is working even before the HVAC technician get there. While your HVAC technician will inspect it, it will make the process a lot easier if you have examined it beforehand. The technician can assess the condition of your system based on whether or not it’s showing accurate readings.

  1. Determine If You Need to Change the Air Filter

The HVAC technician will open the air conditioning system to examine the air filter during the inspection. While doing this, they can quickly replace the filter as well. Check the filter to see if it needs replacement.

You’ll know if your filter needs changing  when it is noticeably gray in color, and you can see dirt and dust built up on the filter media.  You’ll also notice that the heating or cooling system is cycling longer than it usually does.

Once you’ve observed that the filter thus need changing, let the technician know in advance so they’ll bring a new filter with them.

Final Thoughts

One of the major reasons for scheduling an annual HVAC maintenance is for your convenience. Over time, climate control systems start to operate less optimally and less efficiently. Due to unavoidable wear and tear, the components wear down.

Regular upkeep ensures your safety as well. This applies especially to gas-powered heating systems. A damaged heat exchanger can cause some dangerous problems, such as exposing yourself to high carbon monoxide gas levels and causing fire hazards. But with proper maintenance, we at Adam’s Care can notify you about these types of problems so you can get the repairs done immediately.

Simply follow the tips above and you are well on your way to a successful HVAC appointment that will keep your unit working for longer.

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