Adams Care Website The Unknown Consequences Of A Dirty Air Conditioner
Jul 7, 2022

The Unknown Consequences Of A Dirty Air Conditioner

It’s not surprising to admit that we all have become excessively dependent on cooling systems. However, when it comes to cleaning and maintaining them , we often take it for granted, or even barely do it. Since most air conditioners are installed out of our sight we also often put them out of our mind without giving them the due maintenance. But did you know that a dirty air conditioner is not something that should be taken lightly as it can lead to these unpleasant consequences. 


Airflow Gets Blocked 

When you don’t engage in regular air conditioning cleaning practises, the air filter in the unit gets enveloped in dust and grime. As a result, there won’t be any space for the air to properly flow, causing a blockage. This in turn, forces the cooling system to work harder to supply air, increasing the energy consumption that can spike your electricity bills, and on the other hand overheating your AC unit which leading to easy breakdowns. 


Lowers The Supply Of Airflow 

Just like how dirt blocks airflow, they can also  build up in your AC’s fan blades adding extra weight on them to rotate. When this happens, the fan reduces its ability to spin and produce air efficiently, which in turn will not give the maximum cooling you would expect. This can sometimes also cause the head unit to rattle which can contribute to noise pollution, disturbing your home’s peaceful  atmosphere.. 


Dry Skin

Poor indoor air quality resulting from irregular ac cleaning can reduce the humidity level inside the house or in other words reduce the moisture in the air. Constant exposure to dry air can reduce the moisture in your skin, making them dry and easily irritable. 

Similarly unclean air conditioners do a very weak job at filtering air pollutants, which can cause too many irritants landing on your skin. While your skin can naturally get rid of these irritants through sweat and skin oils, the mechanism your body goes through to do that often can make your skin extremely dry.



In case you didn’t know the quality of the air that you breathe affects your endurance and stamina. Poor air quality means that there are more elements in the air that your breath than just air, which needs to be filtered. The more your lungs work to filter dust and other unhealthy components in order to breathe good quality air, the more you are likely to feel fatigued. 


Health Problems 

This is one of the most alarming consequences of irregular HVAC cleaning, let alone AC. Maintaining a clean and healthy indoor environment free from dust and other air pollutants is crucial to prevent mould and mildew from harbouring around your home. 

Especially when mould gets into your AC and the air ciruclates them in particles, it can lead to serious health issues like pneumonia. Besides that, your body may also struggle with continuous allergies, asthma attacks, stuffy nose, and other breathing difficulties. This consequence can be more risky if you have children and pets in your house. 

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