Adams Care Website Signs Your AC Needs Replacement
Dec 21, 2022

Signs Your AC Needs Replacement

There is always a point where we need to make a decision about whether to repair or replace an AC. While many AC issues can be resolved easily, there are certain instances where replacing or investing in a new one is more feasible and cost-effective than just repairing. According to insights from AC maintenance companies, if you see these signs developing in your AC unit, then it’s time for a replacement.


This is one of the most obvious signs that your AC needs replacement. If you turn on the unit and the air doesn’t come out within a few minutes, then it means there is a drop in the efficiency of the AC, or it is not performing properly. This can happen due to many reasons like clogs in the piping and ductwork, which restricts the airflow. If your AC is in optimum condition with basic air duct cleaning, this issue can be resolved. However, if the efficiency doesn’t improve even after cleaning, then it is a surefire sign that you have a problem which must be dealt with.

Continuous Buildup of Moisture

While it’s normal for AC units to create moisture to some extent, too much moisture build can result in constant breakouts. This will not only cause the system to underperform, but it can also pose serious health risks to your environment. While this problem can be easily resolved with regular maintenance and AC cleaning, persisting build-up of moisture may mean that you need to replace the AC. It is also a more cost-effective option than spending on frequent Maintenance.

Doesn’t Remove Humidity

When the evaporator is covered in dust and dirt, it makes it difficult for the unit to remove all of the heat and humidity that it is meant to remove. While this issue can be fixed by either cleaning the evaporator or replacing it with a new one, sometimes even an old and oversized AC can cause this issue. Like any other machine, even old AC can be subject to wear and tear, causing it not to remove humidity properly. If the latter is the reason, then it’s best to replace your AC unit.

Strange Sounds

If you have been getting strange sounds from your Ac without a specific reason or if it is noisier than it used to be, then it’s time to go for an AC replacement. Old and outdated AC can easily give out strange sounds like grinding, squeaking or chattering. Normally AC units are supposed to operate at a barely detectable noise level. So if you hear disturbing sounds from your AC, it should be taken as a typical sign of ageing and consider an upgrade.

Foul Smells

Just like how strange noises indicate an ageing problem, even foul smells may mean that you need a new AC. Under normal conditions, your AC should be able to put out clean, neutral-smelling air. If you get a smokey or burning smell from your AC all the time that doesn’t go away with maintenance, then it’s time to replace it.

High Energy Bills

If your AC is old or not maintained, it can need more energy to reach optimal temperature, rising energy bills. Because of this, sometimes, even if your home is not properly cooled, your energy bills can be high to a noticeable extent. For issues like this, upgrading to new equipment is the only reliable solution.

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