Adams Care Website What An Annual AC Maintenance Checklist Includes
Jun 2, 2020

What An Annual AC Maintenance Checklist Includes

We cannot stress further how crucial it is to have your AC/HVAC system regularly maintained. Not only will it extend its lifespan, but it will also save you a lot in utility bills and prevent you from spending unnecessarily on repair costs. Maintenance should never be an afterthought as it poses risks when not paid attention to. 

We could go on and on about the numerous advantages of regular AC maintenance. Similarly, if we enumerate the things that could go wrong when maintenance is taken for granted, the list could go twice as long. 

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Perhaps there are still people who think maintenance is unnecessary, they don’t go out of their way to actually hire an expert in dealing with their AC/HVAC system. But there’s only so much that we can do in properly taking good care of our units. Today, let us go over the things that are included during an annual AC maintenance, so you can find out yourself what you might actually be missing on. 

1. Inspection of Condenser And Evaporator Coils 

Simply put, condenser and evaporator coil work together to provide the cool air that the AC unit produces. The evaporator picks up the heat indoors while the condenser releases it outside. Together, both evaporator and condenser coils complete an AC’s cooling cycle. During annual maintenance, these coils are inspected for dirt or any debris that can reduce its efficiency. 

2. Ensure The Optimum Amount Of Refrigerant

The refrigerant goes through the AC’s condenser and evaporator coils to efficiently bring down the temperature of a room. Part of an AC annual maintenance is making sure that the unit has the right level of refrigerant. Low levels of refrigerant can cause major problems with your unit including compressor damage which eventually leads to unit breakdown. 

3. Check Drain Pans and Condensate Drains For Any Obstruction

Drain pans catch the condensed moisture from inside the AC unit. When the unit is running, there should be a steady flow of water coming from the unit. When there is a blockage on the drainage, it can cause serious damage to the unit. AC maintenance providers make sure there are no particles or debris that can cause clogs on the AC’s drain pans. 

4. Go Over The Unit’s Fan Motors, Blade And Indoor Blower

Your AC unit’s fan motor, blades, and blower are essential components. If not regularly maintained, it can make your unit work harder thus consuming more energy and increasing your utility consumption. These components should be running efficiently at all times. 

5. When Necessary, Lubricate  Moving Components

There are still old-manufactured AC units that need to be periodically lubricated. Lubrication will ensure the longevity and smooth operation of compressors, Newer models, however, are generally sealed and lube is not necessary.  When moving components are not adequately lubricated, your unit is at risk of overheating and machine rundown. 

6. Check Air Filters

Dirty air filters can influence indoor air quality. It can also cause machine breakdown as it can restrict cold air from coming out, especially when it is full of dust and other air particles. Filter change or cleaning isn’t just annually, it should be done at least every 2 weeks or twice a month. Unclean filters can also cause allergen and air contaminants to accumulate and spread. 

See Also: 7 Reasons To Have Your AC Cleaned And Sanitized

7. Ensure The Quality Of Electrical Wires And Safety Devices

All electrical components of the unit will be checked and made sure that any loose and jumbled wirings are tightened and kept properly in place. The unit’s power rating is also inspected as well as the efficiency. Electrical components are also checked if it’s within safety standards. 

Final Words

Some AC maintenance and HVAC service companies offer services that can ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit. For instance, duct cleaning and sanitization can be done to provide an extra layer of safety and cleanliness that’s especially needed today. If you wish to learn more about what goes into your AC annual maintenance, you can always reach out to us at Adams Care.

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