Adams Care Website Office Disinfection: All You Need To Know To Keep Your Workspace Clean And Safe
Apr 9, 2020

Office Disinfection: All You Need To Know To Keep Your Workspace Clean And Safe

For most of us, working from home is the new norm. But there are still employees who belong to essential jobs that are still working from their respective offices. With the current global pandemic we are experiencing, there’s never been a more appropriate time to ensure that the place we work in is clean and safe. 

Why Does It Matter?

We spend one-third of our lives inside the office.  In fact, according to Gettysburg College in Pennsylvania, an average person spends around 90,000 hours of work in a lifetime. Therefore, it is only right to consider it our second home. Regular office upkeep is essential to create an environment conducive to productive work. A disorganized and unmaintained office gets in the way of success. Likewise, an untidy workplace gets in the way of employee performance. 

A Clean Office Promotes Productivity

When employees are less distracted, they can focus on their tasks which makes them more productive. Untidy offices are very distracting and can have adverse effects on an individual’s physical and mental health. When offices are not cleaned regularly, it can host and promote the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses that may cause illnesses. Especially when technically you are breathing in the same air quality circulated by HVAC units.

And until we get back to our own desks, here are a few things to keep in mind to do your part in maintaining the cleanliness of your office- once you get back to work. 

Clean Your Space Regularly

Take the responsibility to take care of your own space at work. Make it organized and tidy. Make sure to keep this consistent. Eliminate clutter inside your drawers and desks. Throw away unnecessary documents and papers. Minimizing your paper clutter is a fool-proof way of making your work desk tidy and organized. 

Avoid Eating At Your Desk

Unless you want to leave crumbs of food in your desk, avoid eating in your workspace even if it’s convenient. Not to mention the hard to clean crumbs and spills on your floor carpet.  Most offices have a designated area for eating which is usually the pantry. For quick bites such as protein bars or nuts, make sure to lay a piece of tissue paper or cloth to catch the crumbs from your snack. 

Clean Up After Yourself

Clean as you go. Although some offices have a dedicated cleaning and maintenance provider, cleaning up after yourself is still a sign of professionalism and proper work culture. It is in the best interest of everyone to be responsible for their own mess to keep clutter and dirt at a minimum. 

Think About The Air You Breathe!

If you’re an office manager, part of your responsibilities is maintaining the quality of air for the entire office. This can be achieved through Office HVAC maintenance. Make sure to regularly get your office HVAC system checked. This will ensure the quality of air inside your office. 


Having a clean working environment is essential for the success of a business. Everyone is responsible for maintaining their own workspace organized and clutter-free. It is also good to consider having a biannual disinfection for the entire office. Keeping your workplace clean and safe for the whole team cultivates a more productive and professional work culture. 

If you want to learn more about HVAC cleaning and disinfection, and commercial property maintenance, our trained technicians and handymen at Adams Care are more than happy to assist you. 

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