Adams Care Website Can’t Switch On Your AC? Find Out What’s Wrong
Oct 4, 2020

Can’t Switch On Your AC? Find Out What’s Wrong

Nothing beats an efficient air conditioning unit on a scorching hot day. Although we are gradually easing into colder months, we’re no way near calling it the winter season yet. For this reason, our ACs are our best bet in keeping our bodies cool, especially in unbearable weather conditions.

Since we have our units running all year round, it is essential to keep them working as efficiently as possible. AC maintenance can help you achieve just that. However, there may be instances where we find ourselves coming home, and finding our AC unit just won’t turn on! The last thing you want is spending the remainder of your day in the company of a broken-down AC. 

Our experts from Adams Care provide a few useful facts on why our ACs won’t turn on at times.

Check Your Thermostat

Your AC’s thermostat is its control panel. It powers on your AC, and lets you set your room at the desired temperature. Problems with the thermostat, such as old batteries or wiring problems, will render it useless and prevent your AC from turning on. It is critical to check your thermostat first before anything else. 

Your AC’s Circuit Breaker May Have Tripped

One of the common reasons why AC units won’t turn on is the absence of electrical power. This could be a result of your unit’s circuit breaker tripping. Circuit trip is a preventive measure against potential hazards, such as when the circuit draws electricity greater than its capacity. This usually means an overloaded circuit.

If you have several appliances connected to one circuit, simply unplug a few and flip your circuit switch back on. Your AC should be turning on this time. It is best not to overload your circuit to prevent this from happening in the future. 

You AC Outdoor Unit Is Blocked

When debris or other elements such as branches, twigs, or leaves accumulate on your outside unit, it could hinder the AC’s flow of air- meaning, the hot air that should be making its way out of the unit cannot pass through easily. When left unattended, this could damage your AC rendering it unable to switch on.  Make sure to regularly check your outside unit for any foreign objects that could be trapped on it. 

Your AC’s Motor Is Broken

Suppose you had noticed your unit has been making weird noises before it stopped working, then your unit may fail to turn on because of a broken or faulty motor. Consulting with an AC repair service provider will help you weigh in the cost of replacing your motor vs. having it fixed. They can also provide you with advice on AC maintenance and servicing. 

You Haven’t Had Maintenance For A Long Time

We cannot stress enough the importance of regular AC maintenance. This will ensure that your units remain in optimum condition and will help prolong its lifespan. Several AC problems can also be prevented when routine maintenance is in place. Ultimately, AC maintenance is an excellent investment in the long run as it will reduce your costs and spendings on AC repairs. 

At Adams Care, we offer a comprehensive AC maintenance service that includes AC duct cleaning and disinfection. Office and home sanitization are available to provide added protection and peace of mind, especially in today’s current situation where health and safety are a priority. To learn more about our AC and sanitization services, speak to one of our experts at Adams Care today. 

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