Adams Care Website 5 Signs That You Need To Call For Home Maintenance
Oct 8, 2019

5 Signs That You Need To Call For Home Maintenance

Many of us in the UAE are guilty of ignoring problems when it comes to home maintenance issues and hoping it will just go away – which never happens. It’s a foolish way to go about things, but sometimes you just don’t want to tackle home maintenance problems.

Most homeowners don’t give any thought about their heating or cooling system until something goes awry. However, for a well-working, power-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, regular maintenance is incredibly significant.

An annual tune-up done twice a year will help you enjoy better indoor comfort throughout the year.

Although it’s only been for a while or you’ve never had a tune-up on your HVAC system, there are a number of things that you can keep a close eye on to know whether it’s time to schedule your maintenance.

Recognizing these signs will help you take appropriate measures to ensure that your heating and air conditioning systems continue to operate at maximum efficiency whenever they are most needed.

Here are some of the common signs that your HVAC system needs maintenance:

Unexpected spikes in energy bills

Increased energy rates are just one of the drawbacks of using the HVAC system. However, if you experience extraordinarily high costs or unexpected changes in your energy bill, your HVAC  system is not likely working as well as it should.

Simply keeping your home comfortable shouldn’t cost an awful lot of money, and usually, a properly functioning system shouldn’t cause drastic spikes on your bill.

When you notice changes in your monthly energy costs, scheduling a tune-up is probably the best idea. With the help of a home maintenance company in Dubai, you can learn how to save on energy more efficiently than ever.

Reduced HVAC Efficiency

Reduced energy efficiency is one of the most common signs that you may need HVAC maintenance. How can you say if it’s not as effective as it used to be? Increased energy bills, together with longer running times and more frequent cycling, are some of the common signs.

Moreover, if you find inconsistencies between the thermostat reading and how warm or cool your home feels, you may have an issue with the performance of your HVAC.

Frequent, Recurring Problems & Repairs

When you encounter constant problems and several needed repairs for your HVAC system, it is probably a sign that your system is approaching the end of its lifespan.

You can authorize a skilled technician to look at your entire HVAC system and decide the best course of action by scheduling a heating or cooling system tune-up.

Your system may need just a few minor adjustments, a few basic fixes, or even a full replacement. Nonetheless, if you’re dealing with a clunky HVAC, you might want to find a replacement just to save time, cash, and the hassle of frequent mishaps.

Regardless of the situation, you can rely on our reliable, competent team of highly qualified HVAC technicians to give you the right recommendation for your comfort, security, and budget.


Noisy, Strange Sounds From Your HVAC System

Do not ignore the unusual rumbling noise from your air conditioner or the unusual hissing emitted from your furnace. These and other noisy, unexplained sounds can be signs of a bigger issue, and it is best to deal with them early in order to prevent potential breakdowns and major, expensive AC and heater repairs.

Although it may seem trivial, strange noises from your HVAC system are almost always an indicator that the system is faulty. Schedule as soon as possible a tune-up operation.


Your HVAC System Is Older Than 10 Years

While a given heating or cooling system’s exact lifespan varies depending on certain variables, most HVAC systems are built to last for about a decade.

This lifetime can be significantly increased with proper maintenance. If you have an aging home or HVAC unit, scheduling a tune-up is probably a good idea.

Final Thoughts

At Adams Care, we recommend that home and business owners alike invest in annual maintenance service for their HVAC systems. 

When it’s been a year or longer since you’ve had a home maintenance company in Dubai to check on your system, pick up the phone and call us! We will provide you with the quality service you need to ensure that your system will last you a long time.

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