Adams Care Website Why Timely AC Maintenance Also Saves Your Money
Mar 21, 2022

Why Timely AC Maintenance Also Saves Your Money

Just like any other electronic, air conditioning (AC) units undergo natural wear and tear. Despite having a lifespan of ten to fifteen years, its constant use, especially during the summer season, may deteriorate its functionality. When not regularly inspected, a series of problems may arise, which may eventually lead the unit to break down.

However, it is not only to avoid AC units from breaking down that regular inspection and maintenance are necessary. Not enough people realize that maintaining their units regularly will also enable them to enjoy its peak performance and save money in the long run. Here’s how:

It avoids expensive AC unit repairs and prolongs the life of your unit.
Regular maintenance of AC units may seem inconvenient and time consuming, but in reality, it is an appointment worth making. In fact, when AC units are regularly maintained, its lifespan may improve by 50%, since damaged and worn out parts can be seen and replaced immediately before further escalating into bigger problems, enabling you to immediately replace them and avoid frequent breakdowns. This will boost the efficiency of your unit, enabling it to perform well and prolong its lifespan. As a result, you will not need to buy new ones from time to time, saving your money for more important things. Indeed, a little prevention and a few replacements will cost you less in the long run.

It saves money on utility bills.
The basic AC unit maintenance usually focuses on cleaning and replacing air filters because they tend to accumulate dust and dirt over time, reducing the amount of airflow and the ability of the system to function. When this happens, it will take a lot of time before the room temperature goes up, causing the unit to work more and for energy usage to rise. However, when AC units are regularly cleaned and maintained, expert technicians will be able to detect small problems and address them early, enabling AC units to work properly and cool faster, lowering energy consumption level by 5% to 15%.

It saves costs on medicine and hospitalization.
With its ability to filter allergens, AC units are responsible for a good indoor air quality. However, when its parts start to malfunction, your AC unit may not be able to filter out allergens, which may deteriorate the air quality in your home. In the long run, this may result in allergic reactions and asthma attacks, causing you to spend more on medical necessities and worse, hospitalization. However, when you invest in regular maintenance, the function of your AC unit will be optimized, improving the air quality in your home and avoiding lung-related illnesses, saving you money on medical expenses.

The Right AC Maintenance Company for You
In choosing an AC maintenance service provider, you must consider three things: expertise, reputation, and process. Like Adams Care, an AC maintenance company in Dubai, cleaning specialists should be certified by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) and processes should be recognized by the International Organization for Standardization. Through this, you can ensure that your AC unit is properly taken care of through quality services which are tailored to your requirements.

To know more about how you can properly maintain your AC unit, you may reach out to specialists at Adams Care, they will be more than happy to assist you.

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