Adams Care Website Why Indoor Air Quality Is Important
Aug 7, 2022

Why Indoor Air Quality Is Important

Breathing is the most natural and instinctive action we do. In fact, according to studies, we breathe in and out about 22,000 times a day. This act powers and sustains our lungs with oxygen, keeping us alive and healthy. 

However, not all the time do we breathe healthy and fresh air. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the level of indoor pollutants is usually two to five times higher than outdoor pollutants, affecting our health, comfort, and well-being even at home and in our offices. To keep us and our families safe from possible adverse health conditions, it is vital that we understand the importance of the quality of air we breathe indoors and the factors which can affect them.


Why It Matters: Poor Indoor Air Quality Can Cause Adverse Health Conditions


  • Immediate Effects to the Health


Numerous air pollutants can be found in indoor spaces, the most common being dust mites, mold, pet dander, cockroach allergens, and tobacco smoke. These can be triggered by dirty air ducts and mattresses, causing and aggravating asthma, eye, nose and throat irritations, as well as headaches, dizziness, and fatigue when inhaled.

These effects may be similar to other viral conditions, that’s why it is vital to note the time when the symptoms started occurring, and determine whether they persist even after you go outside. If so, take action immediately and engage in HVAC cleaning in Dubai to eliminate the problem and prevent these health conditions from aggravating.



  • Long-Term Health Effects


Radon, a human carcinogen usually circulated by HVAC systems from cracks and gaps in buildings and homes, and Legionella bacteria, which can be found in evaporative condensers, are commonly regarded by experts as indoor air pollutants that can cause lung cancer, pneumonia, and heart disease. Worse, their effects may only come to light years after prolonged exposure.

Keeping your indoor air quality clean will keep these pollutants away as your vents filter, supply, and circulate clean air in your home or office for your family and friends to breathe only fresh air, and avoid the long-term effects of poor indoor air quality.


The Benefits of Clean Indoor Air


  • Clean and Safe Space


Good indoor air quality will ensure that your home or office is clean, both on the visible and invisible aspects. This will prevent dust mites and mold from accumulating, making your space look and feel clean and safe as you get rid of air pollutants that can cause adverse effects to your health.



  • Conducive Environment


In workplaces, good indoor air quality allows for an ideal work environment for employees. Not only will it leave a good impression to clients, but it can also increase productivity among workers as their health is safeguarded. This will enable them to enhance their mood and reduce their stress levels as they engage in an environment that is both pleasant and clean.


The Takeaway

Keeping your indoor air quality excellent is vital for optimal health, keeping you, your family, and your friends from pollutant-causing sickness and making your home or office look cleaner and feel safer.

Engage in HVAC cleaning in Dubai with a NADCA certified expert through Adams Care and invest in safer and cleaner indoor spaces.

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