Adams Care Website What Is That Noise? – 5 Noises Your AC Might Be Making & What It Means
Aug 3, 2020

What Is That Noise? – 5 Noises Your AC Might Be Making & What It Means

There’s nothing better than going home after a long, tiring day, especially during the summer, where temperatures could soar as high as 40oC. Having an AC that’s working correctly brings comfort and peace of mind. Thanks to technological innovations, air conditioning units today are a lot more efficient and quieter.

Not all AC units are created equal- some have better sound-dampening technology while others do not. However, this doesn’t mean AC units do not entirely make any noise. In general,  it’s normal for AC units to emit a soft humming sound. Anything beyond that could be a sign of something problematic. Noises that your unit may emit may result from a lack of AC maintenance and poor performance. 

To better understand how your unit’s sound can make the difference in your AC’s effectiveness, let’s go over some details on five noises your AC may make and what it means for your unit. 

Loud Buzzing 

When you hear a loud and constant buzzing noise,  there may be loose parts inside your unit- usually the fan motors or the blades. Buzzing can also mean debris is trapped either in the outside or inside your unit. Addressing this problem as early as possible is essential. 

Clicking Noise 

It is usual for some AC units to make a clicking noise during startup. However, when the clicking noise becomes constant and repetitive, it may signify that your AC’s fan keeps brushing against something. It could be that it’s blocked. Clicking noises could also indicate a failing thermostat or a faulty control   ( a sign of an electrical problem)

Squealing / Screeching Noise

If you hear a high-pitched squealing noise while your AC is running, there is a problem with your AC’s fan belt. Most units have fan belts that should be regularly maintained as it becomes worn over time. A misaligned belt-something can also cause the squealing- something that a regular AC maintenance can address. 

Gurgling/Bubbling Sounds

When AC units have a leaking refrigerant or a clogged condenser, it typically makes a weird gurgling sound- which usually sounds like water is running inside your unit. Seek the help of an expert when dealing with this problem. 

Loud Banging/Knocking

A failing compressor or a problematic blower fan causes the unit to emit a loud banging sound. In dealing with this problem, it’s best to turn off your unit and call for assistance immediately to avoid further damage to your AC. 

The moment you ignore the strange noise coming from your unit, you run the risk of significant repairs and major tune-ups that can be very expensive. Preventative maintenance is vital in keeping your AC unit running efficiently for years to come.

Our dedicated and skilled crew at Adams Care can provide you with the necessary repairs, tuneups, and maintenance needed to ensure that you get the most out of your AC units. If you have any questions or concerns about your AC units, you can always get in touch with us at or give us a call – +971 4 557 1800 today. 

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