Adams Care Website Ways To Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency
Jul 28, 2022

Ways To Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency

It’s not unusual to experience inefficiencies in your AC system. But knowing how to identify these  issues and take preventative measures to improve them can save your expenses on electricity bills and most importantly unnecessary repairs. 

Increased utility costs, frequent cycling, ice on the compressor, and unusual sounds are some common signs that your AC is not operating efficiently. According to a leading AC maintenance company in Dubai, here are 5 tried-and-tested ways to improve air conditioning efficiency. 


Unblock and Vacuum Your Vents

Keeping your vents free from debris and dust is one of the best ways to boost AC efficiency. Take some time to check the vents and look for dirt, dust, pet hair, and other debris. If you see they are blocked with these components, then it’s best to vacuum them or even seek  full professional deep cleaning. Keeping your vents free from any sort of blockage is crucial to make sure your AC is working at an optimum efficiency with steady airflow. 


Keep All Doors And Windows Closed 

Although this is something very obvious, most people don’t keep their doors and windows closed when the AC is on. As a result, the conditioned air in your home escapes causing serious inefficiencies. If you want to get fresh air inside, just turn off the AC, and switch it on once the doors and windows are closed. 


Keep Up With Maintenance 

Regular AC cleaning is stressed enough but not many pay attention to it , and it could be the very reason why your AC is not working properly. Regular AC maintenance helps to maintain the efficiency of your AC, identify any efficiency related problems and also solve any other AC issues which can lead to expensive repairs if not fixed right away. Maintenance in general keeps the AC in a healthy state to filter the air supply and keep them free from harmful pollutants. 


Avoid Using Heat-Producing Appliances During The Day 

During the hottest hours of the day running any heat-producing appliances will cause the air to warm up even more forcing your AC to work harder. As a result the efficiency levels of the AC will drop and you may feel the indoor air is not cool enough to regulate the heat. 


Fix Any Insulation Problems In The House 

If your house is not insulated properly and has leaks in the attic or around the windows and doors, it can cause the cool air inside distributed inside your house to move out. This again reduces the efficiency and may want you to keep your AC operating way longer than necessary, adding up to higher utility bills. HVAC maintenance companies can help you audit the insulation of your house and fix them where necessary. 


Cover Your Windows

When you let heat come inside the house through the reflection of window glasses, they can rise the indoor air temperature, making your AC work harder to regulate the indoor temperature. When the AC does it for long it can reduce the efficiency.  

By choosing to cover the windows by pulling your curtains or closing the blinds, you can block out this heat of the day. You can simply do this when you leave home for work or outside first thing in the morning, and when you return the indoor air will be  cool enough to keep you comfortable. 

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