Adams Care Website Tips For Preparing Your Air Conditioning Unit This Fall
Sep 21, 2022

Tips For Preparing Your Air Conditioning Unit This Fall

AC systems are truly unsung heroes that help us get through the Dubai summer and its year-round temperate climate. Now with the temperatures finally easing up a bit for the fall, it’s important that we give our HVAC system a little love following a busy summer. Doing this is crucial to keep them well-maintained for the upcoming summer. Here are a few simple things you can do to get your AC prepared for fall.

Change the Air Filter

We often forget to change our air filter regularly, but it is one of the most important things you need to do to keep up the efficiency of your system. Especially after summer, chances are your air filter is clogged with pollen, dust, and pet hair as the season pushes the system to work at its full limit all day long.

With fall in full swing now, a good way to prepare your AC is to swap your air filter with a new one. If you have the practice of getting seasonal AC maintenance services, then this replacement will be covered under the service.

Clean The Vents

Debris (dirt, dust, and thick dander) gets collected in the air vents overtime, reducing the quality and safety of indoor air quality. Especially after keeping your AC busy during the summer, cleaning your air vents can improve the quality of air indoors. Most importantly, it can eliminate any unpleasant odours and reduce the possibility of seasonal allergies due to pollutants circulating within the indoor air.

Check The Air Ducts

If you can see noticeable dust coming from the air ducts in your house, it’s a good sign to get professional air duct cleaning services. Just like air vents, even air ducts collect dust and other pollutants over time, dispersing them into the air released indoors.

Sometimes damp and warm temperatures in summer can lead to mould growth in air ducts. When the air you breathe is exposed to mould, it can produce a faulty smell and even harm you, your family, and your pet’s health. So fall is the perfect time to ensure your air ducts are clean and ready for the cool season.

Inspect The Evaporator Drain

If overlooked, a clogged evaporator drain can cause bigger problems to your AC, especially after months of heavy-duty during the summer. Algae and mould growth can clog the evaporator drain and lead to leaks inside the house, calling for costly repairs. While a wet/dry vacuum can unclog an evaporator drain, getting professional service can avoid mistakes or damages that affect the unit’s performance.

Clean The Evaporator and Condenser Coil

The evaporator and condenser coil can also collect dust and dirt over the summer as they are constantly blowing dirt, grass clippings and other types of debris. Not cleaning them can reduce the efficiency of the system and can also use more energy than necessary, adding up to your utility bills. So take a moment to wash the coils, and clean them.

Add Insulation

In winter and colder months, the condenser unit in the AC can go through a lot of stress. Leaving it out open can lead to unnecessary AC repair services. Protect it with a specially-designed condenser cover. Try to also wrap any exposed pipes or wires with foam pipes to give extra protection against harsh temperatures.

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