Adams Care Website Spring Cleaning 2023: Things To Keep In Mind
Jan 7, 2023

Spring Cleaning 2023: Things To Keep In Mind

It’s that time of year again- spring, and with it comes the urge to clean and organize your homes! March 27 to April 2 is National Spring Cleaning Week; perhaps this is an excellent time to get organized and tidy. If you’re looking for some tips on how to get your house cleaning done right, look no further or if you think you can’t do it by yourself, hire a good handyman service around you.

Here are 12 tips for keeping spring cleaning safe.

1- Declutter before cleaning – Get rid of any clutter that could cause you to trip before cleaning.

2 – Go mild – Use harsh cleaning or disinfecting agents cautiously, and never combine bleach and ammonia. Doing so can result in toxic fumes.

3 – Read the label – Every cleaning or disinfecting product needs to have a label explaining how to use it properly and what safety measures to take. Read the label carefully, then follow the instructions accordingly.

4 – Ventilation is your friend – Open windows or doors and turn on a fan when using cleaning or disinfecting solutions to help the air circulate. This will release chemical fumes or other substances from the indoor air.

5 – Consider a mask – Wear a mask if you have breathing difficulties or allergies to prevent irritability and allergic reactions when you clean or even when you hire a professional to do your home sanitization.

6 – Glove up – Rubber gloves are recommended while using household cleansers. The gloves can lessen the effects of chemical exposures like rashes and skin irritation.

7- Get a mop – Avoid working on your hands and knees when cleaning floors. This could lead to sprains and strains. Consider using a mop, even while cleaning a bathtub.

8 – Avoid wet floors – Slips and falls are more likely to occur on wet feet. Before stepping on freshly cleaned floors, give them some time to dry.

9- Safely store cleaning products – Keep them in a clean, and dry space where children and pets can access them.

10 – Stool safety is crucial – If you are using a stool, choose one with a handle or railing to maintain three points of contact (two feet and one hand) for maximum safety. Always position it on a leveled surface before using it. When climbing up or down the stool, face it and ensure the steps are wide enough for your feet. Never move the stool while standing on it; instead, place it close to the area you’re cleaning.

11 – Lift cautiously – Ask for help while lifting or moving furniture or other bulky items. To prevent a back injury, bend with your knees rather than your back and use your leg muscles, or hiring a professional handyman service around you may lessen the concern you have for these factors.

12 – Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water and take breaks throughout the spring cleaning process.

At the end of the day, spring cleaning involves more than just throwing away your old clothing and vacuuming the floor in your foyer. It’s a component of a larger strategy to maintain the perfect condition of your house. Therefore consider hiring a handyman service as this makes your cleaning process more efficient, safe, and hassle-free than doing it by yourself.

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