Adams Care Website Relocation Checklist: Do These 5 Things Before You Move In
Jan 7, 2022

Relocation Checklist: Do These 5 Things Before You Move In

There is a lot to consider when you’re moving into a new house. For many of us, packing and unpacking is usually on the forefront of our minds. While it’s definitely a crucial part of home relocation, there are many factors that need to be considered to make sure the house you’re moving into is safe and hygienic, and the moving process is convenient and hassle-free. Here is a relocation checklist that could be helpful to anyone moving to a new house. 

Do a Walkthrough

Before moving all your things into the new house, walk around and try to visualise where to put your furniture and appliances. Tape measure can be useful in helping you accurately map out your space. Having the layout of your home in mind will save you from the hassle of disorganised unpacking and reduce some of the stress. 

Make An Unpacking Plan 

Always make an unpacking plan when you relocate. Categorise your things and pack accordingly: bathroom accessories and toiletries, bedroom linens and pillows, et cetera. Don’t forget to label your boxes too. This will help you know where to unpack certain boxes and reduce clutter around the home.  

Maintenance Check 

Home maintenance services like plumbing, AC and duct cleaning, property cleaning, and even repaintings are an important part of any relocation. Before moving in, check for any signs of damage and repairs that need to be done and check if appliances are working properly. Do a test on the outlets, switches, and fixtures to see if you need to have anything fixed before your move. This will save you a lot of time and hassle in the long run.  

Deep Clean 

Making sure your house is clean for your family is an important box to tick when you move in. Before you start unloading big boxes and heavy furniture, spare 2-3 days to do deep cleaning. Take the opportunity of an empty house to dust, clean, and wash everything thoroughly. You can also do a deep cleaning of mattresses, couches and other fabric-based furniture before you move in. This will make sure all your household items don’t carry germs or dust into your new house once it’s cleaned. 

Home sanitation and disinfection services are also a great choice to consider when deep cleaning your house. They have the appropriate materials and techniques to make sure your house is safe and hygienic when you move in. 

Check Utilities and Connectivity

You probably don’t want to spend your first night in the dark, so make sure you set up all utilities. Check the connectivity of electricity, gas, and water and make sure they are working fine before the day you move in. Don’t forget to do a thorough air conditioning cleaning as well. This is important in making sure the AC is working properly and can help air circulate around the room. Remember that a dirty AC can also cause several health issues and also add up to your utility bills. 

Although this relocation checklist may look simple, it goes a long way in making sure you don’t have to worry about anything once you and your family move in. It also saves you time, energy and unnecessary costs in your relocation process. 

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