Adams Care Website Preparing Your AC For Winter
Nov 14, 2022

Preparing Your AC For Winter

All HVAC systems need year-round maintenance to keep them operating smoothly and efficiently. While many tasks require the help of HVAC maintenance companies, there are some other minor tasks and preventive measures you can do on your own to enhance the longevity of your system. One of the leading HVAC systems that need prep for the winter months is your AC unit. Here is how you can maintain your AC during the winter to prevent costly damages that cold, snow, ice, or oxidation may cause.

Turn Off The Unit’s Power

Before you begin your maintenance task, keeping the AC switched off is essential as a safety measure. This prevents the risk of electrocution as you work through the AC. It also helps to prevent the AC from turning on during an unseasonable warm day and keeps out any water seeps that could freeze and damage the condensing unit.

Clean The A/C unit

Using a broom or a small hand-held brush, sweep off leaves, twigs and other debris on or surrounding the A/C. Then use a hose to wash off dirt, dust and bird droppings and let it dry. AC cleaning before winter is essential to prevent the unit from getting clogged and breaking down when you resume using it for the spring and summer.

Inspect The A/C unit

Check thoroughly for the unit’s cracks, rust, leaks and other irregularities. Make sure the seal in the AC are tight and not cracked. While these issues may seem benign, they may cause major problems in the future. So if you find any such cases, make sure to contact an AC maintenance company to get it sorted out as soon as possible.

Cover The A/C Unit

Insulating your AC unit by covering it prevents it from cracking and protects it from debris and elements. Use a waterproof or vinyl cover, or you can even find covers made specifically for air conditioners at home improvement stores. Secure the cover by wrapping a waterproof tarp around the unit using bungee cords or ropes so it doesn’t blow away with strong winds.

Add Extra Insulation

Cover the exposed pipes and wires around the AC using foam pipes, especially those running into your house. Use duct tape to secure the insulation tight. This insulation is important to keep wires and the fluid within pipes from freezing and eventually cracking.

Check The Air Conditioner Once A Week

Sweep any leaves, twigs, pinecones and other debris that fall on the unit. In addition, remove water, snow and ice that accumulate on the A/C’s cover to keep it free from unnecessary (and potentially damaging) weight.

Remember that AC maintenance is much more than a seasonal task. Regularly maintaining your AC will extend its usability and efficiency and minimze the need for frequent repairs. If you experience any irregularities in the AC, get it fixed while the weather is still cool, so you can have a system ready to go when the weather warms.

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