Adams Care Website How To Keep Your AC’s Clean And Why It Is Important
Dec 14, 2021

How To Keep Your AC’s Clean And Why It Is Important

Air Conditioning systems are an essential part of the UAE as they help make the hot desert climate bearable and protect you from harsh temperatures. Cleaning the system regularly is something that all product manufacturers insist on, and in this article, we will explore how you can do this and why it is essential.


Why is cleaning the AC important?

An Air Conditioner comprises several coils, filters, and fins that require regular cleaning to function effectively and efficiently throughout its lifetime. If you fail to follow the necessary maintenance procedures, the AC’s performance will steadily decline and become less energy efficient. This means it will use significantly more electricity to reach and maintain certain temperatures. At some point, the unit could completely break down, requiring an expensive repair or replacement. Therefore, you must follow the recommended service times for your AC and conduct routine maintenance. 


How to clean the air conditioning system?

As the AC has several parts, these need to be individually cleaned to ensure that your air conditioner can perform well. Most AC parts are easier to clean, whereas some require care and regular maintenance. It is always recommended to hire professionals as we have the necessary experience, knowledge, and equipment to clean the system without damaging it. However, there are some aspects you could do on your own. 


Cleaning the air filters

The air filters require the most frequent cleaning in the air conditioner. As it is responsible for filtering dirt and dust from entering the AC, this part can quickly become clogged, reducing the airflow and affecting the entire system’s efficiency. Furthermore, if the airflow is interrupted, the air can bypass the filter and deposit dirt onto the evaporator coil, impacting its heat-absorbing capacity. Doing so can lower the AC’s energy consumption from 5 to 15%. If the filters are reusable, you could remove them, brush off the dust and rinse with fresh water. However, you need to make sure it is completely dry before putting it back into the air conditioning unit as otherwise, the wet filter can restrict airflow into the AC and even lead to mould growth. 


Cleaning the coils

The air conditioner has two coils- the evaporator coil and the condenser coil. These collect dirt over their service period. Although a clean filter will ensure the evaporator coil is sufficiently protected, eventually, the coil will start collecting dirt. To avoid this issue, check it every year and clean it when necessary. Condenser coils generally located outside can become dirty if the environment surrounding them is unclean or there is foliage nearby. So make sure that all debris within 2m distance from the coil is removed.


Keeping the AC clean using the above tips will ensure it lasts longer and performs more efficiently. However, you will still need to do proper servicing according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s always better to hire professionals to carry out your AC servicing. At Adams Care, our staff is well-equipped with the necessary skills to conduct routine AC cleaning and maintenance.

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