Adams Care Website How Indoor Air Quality Affects Your Brain Activity
Mar 9, 2020

How Indoor Air Quality Affects Your Brain Activity

A 2019 article published by Science Times suggests that high levels of carbon dioxide in the air can have a significant impact on a person’s decision making and problem-solving skills, while research by the Harvard School of Health states that poor indoor air quality impedes an individual’s cognitive abilities. Studies have also been conducted to examine the effects of carbon dioxide accumulation and poor air quality on brain activity. 

Let’s take a look at how the brain functions, the external factors that influence brain activity,  the causes of poor indoor air quality, its effects, and how indoor air quality can be improved with regular HVAC maintenance.  But before we dig deep into the effects of indoor air quality on brain activity, let’s gather a basic understanding of how the brain works. 

How Does The Brain Function?

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The human brain is far superior compared to the biggest and most technologically advanced and complex computers. It is believed that the brain can store the entire internet. Using chemicals, the brain transmits information back and forth to the body’s organs and enables us to function, feel emotion, experience feelings, and think. It makes us the intellectuals we are today. 

The brain can be divided into two halves – the left and right hemispheres. The left hemisphere controls the right side of the body while the right controls the left.  It is said that both hemispheres process information but each one has distinct dominant functions. This is referred to as brain lateralization. For instance, the left hemisphere of the brain controls our analytical thinking, our rational thoughts, logical reasoning, arithmetic, and verbal communication. On the other hand, the right hemisphere controls our creative thinking, non-verbal communication, holistic perception, emotional thoughts, intuition, and artistry. 

The brain needs oxygen and other nutrients to function well and without the proper supply of oxygen, it experiences cognitive impairment and reduced motor control. In fact, prolonged oxygen deprivation leads to loss of consciousness and suspension of brain function.

What Are The Environmental Factors That Affect Our Brain Activity?

Our environment helps shape and impact our brain, consequently affecting our health.  With regular environmental exposure, we can be exposed to harmful chemicals and free radicals that deter the supply of nutrients to our brains and body. In addition, stress also affects the way our brains function. When we feel stressed, our brain signals the release of cortisol, which is the body’s primary stress hormone, and in extremely serious conditions, high cortisol levels can usually wear out our brain and affect how we function. In addition, rooms with less ventilation can accumulate high levels of CO2 overtime, which can also have adverse effects on brain activity. This is why good quality and continuous airflow is crucial for our brain’s functioning. 

The Case Of Sick Building Syndrome

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Also called SBS,  Sick Building Syndrome is a phenomenon that’s presumably the result of being in an enclosed environment for too long. This condition is linked to poor indoor air quality.  A 2011 article by Khaleej Times stresses on the relationship between indoor air quality and an occupant’s health. Indoor air pollutants perpetrated by inadequate and poorly maintained HVAC systems may lead to SBS, which results in severe discomfort, nausea, problems with concentration, reduced productivity, fatigue, and especially, decreased brain activity. 

SBS can be caused by a number of factors including chemical contaminants from indoor sources, such as upholstery, copy machines, and cleaning agents. These contaminants can also stem from outdoor sources making their way inside a building through air vents. Biological contaminants that have accumulated in AC ducts, humidifiers, insulation, and carpeting ranging from molds, bacteria, viruses, pollen, and others can also be perpetrators of SBS.  Perhaps the most common cause of SBS is inadequate ventilation. When HVAC systems fail to distribute air effectively or distribute polluted air, they can place you in a dangerous health situation, be it at an office, home, or a public place. 

How Bad Is Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Poor indoor air quality is characterized by the effects it has on the occupants of a space. It contributes to a number of health problems such as asthma, allergies, and stress.  Prolonged exposure to air contaminants can have long term and immediate effects, such as discomfort, headache, eye irritation, nasal congestion, dizziness, tiredness, and impaired brain activity. Depending on an individual’s sensitivities, the effects of poor indoor air quality can vary in degree. Effects can include symptoms similar to that of common viral conditions such as cold or flu. In addition, prolonged exposure to poor indoor air quality may cause long term effects such as severe respiratory illnesses, heart diseases, cancer, and central nervous system issues including poor brain activity.                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Although it is medically proven that pollutants that are commonly found indoors can cause adverse effects on our health, substantial research is still needed to examine the amount of concentration, or period of exposure needed to bring about specific problems to our health and cognitive ability.

Ways To Improve Air Quality And  Reduce Air Pollution

There are a number of measures that we can take to improve indoor air quality and reduce the contaminants that jeopardize it. Here are some tips:

Regulate The Humidity In Your Space

Mold and mildew thrive in a humid and moist environment.  These can trigger an individual’s asthma attack or allergies. Having a humidifier in your space helps curb the growth of molds and mildew especially during the summer when temperatures are high. 

Keep Your Furniture,  Rugs, and Carpets Clean

These household items trap dust and other particles on their surfaces. It is important to regularly clean them to prevent accumulation of dust and debris that could lead to air contamination.

Disinfect and Sanitize Your AC Ducts

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AC ducts provide constant air circulation throughout a space. Overtime though particles can get trapped in ducts and accumulate. This reduces the quality of the air distributed. Getting your AC ducts disinfected and sanitized regularly with the help of a professional AC cleaning company will ensure the quality of air that you breathe is good.

Get Your AC Filters Regularly Checked

Filters in your HVAC system work to make sure that contaminants do not spread throughout your space. However, with regular use, filters become worn out due to the amount of particulate matter that’s been accumulating. An AC filter change is necessary under such circumstances. HVAC maintenance services include a filter check and changing your AC filters if necessary. 

Invest In Indoor Plants

Plants do wonders to improve the air quality of your space. They function as natural air filters when placed in homes or offices. Plants can also be therapeutic in reducing stress and anxiety, and encouraging brain productivity. 

Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Industrial and heavy-duty cleaning products emit fumes and harmful chemicals into the air. This may cause dizziness and other health conditions. These chemicals also contribute to the quality of the air you inhale. By using eco-friendly products, you can vastly reduce the distribution of these pollutants. 


Poor air quality doesn’t just affect our brain activity but our overall health as well. It can pose short term or immediate and long term effects to our brains and body and cause serious health conditions, such as SBS. Regular HVAC maintenance,  AC duct cleaning, disinfecting,  and sanitization are some of the essential ways you can ensure improved quality of air in your home and office.

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