Adams Care Website Electrical Repairs: How To Read The Warning Signs
Jun 16, 2020

Electrical Repairs: How To Read The Warning Signs

There’s only so much that we can do in attempting to repair minor electrical problems. For instance, it’s easy to replace a light bulb that loses its power. Similarly, it’s also easy to flip the switch on the breaker whenever the power is down.  Everyone knows that without the right knowledge and tools, handling electricity can be dangerous to the untrained. This is why leaving electrical repairs to the experts is important. 

Common electrical problems often involve an easy fix but ones that involve tricky tools and mechanisms and wires need the hands of an expert. Our responsibility now, as a homeowner, is to read the warning signs of electrical damage. Our experts at Adams Care enumerates some common warning signs to spot, that presses the need for an electrical intervention!

Frequent Tripping Of Breaks

Circuit breakers serve as a safety measure to prevent excess current that leads to overload or short circuit. Breakers are automatic and are designed to disrupt the flow of electricity after the excess current is detected. Frequent tripping of breaks implies several short circuits, current overload, or a ground fault. Calling an electrician will help you identify if you have an outdated breaker that needs replacing or if you require an additional one installed in your home. 

Burning Smell Of Electric Wires

One thing that burning smells tell you is the presence of fire. With electrical wires, it can often mean overheating. The first step in this scenario is to identify the source of the smell and immediately cut off the electrical source. Promptly contact your electrician to inspect. Do not attempt to fix the problem on your own as it is dangerous and may not only cause further damage but do you harm as well.

Outlets/ Switches That Cause Mild Shocks

If you ever experience an electric shock when trying to plug in an appliance or feel a small electric current when flicking the switch, it could be a sign of short, faulty or worn-out wirings. There might loose screws or wiring inside the electrical box that can make the electricity become unstable- causing the small shocks. It could also be a sign of an outdated outlet or an outlet without a ground. Handyman services or electrical service providers are the best people to deal with the repair. 

Incessant Humming and Buzzing Sounds

When you hear a constant hum or buzz, whether it is in your wall switch or an outlet, it’s a sign of faulty electrical connection and should immediately be addressed by an electrician. Electric noises can be a dangerous sign, especially when coming from the fuse box or the circuit breaker. When the sound is coming from your breaker, it may not work properly or as efficiently as possible. 

Flickering Lights 

Lights flickering or dimming is a common sign of poor wiring. It can also be caused by low voltage or electric flow. It can be a sign of a malfunctioning circuit breaker or a poor electrical panel connection. This eventually leads to loss of power, which explains the flickering of lights. It’s essential to contact your handyman to fix this issue.

Have A Professional Handle It For You

It may be tempting to deal with electrical problems on your own- especially when there is so much resource that’s available on the internet. However, experts are more versed in handling electrical issues. If you have observed these warning signs in your home, it’s high time to call in an electrical services company to help you fix it. You can also contact Adams Care to help you sort out your electrical woes. 


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